Prof. Ramon Estruch

University of Barcelona

Professor Ramon Estruch is Senior Consultant of the Internal Medicine Department of the Hospital Clinic, Professor of Medicine at the University of Barcelona, Director of the Research Group on Nutrition, Cardiovascular Disease and Aging of IDIBAPS (Institut d’ Investigació August Pi i Sunyer ) at Barcelona, and Member of the Scientific Board of the CIBER Pathophysiology of Obesity and Nutrition (CIBER obn) at the Instituto de Salud Carlos (Madrid), Spain. The main research lines are: 1) Cardiovascular effects of Mediterranean diet; 2) Effects of olive oil in cardiovascular risk factors, and oxidative stress and inflammatory biomarkers related to atherosclerosis; 3) Mechanisms of the effects of wine and beer on health. He has been the Director of the PREDIMED trial and Member of the Steering Committee of the Predimed-Plus trial. He has published 716 manuscripts in high-impact journals withh 61,978 citations. In the years 2018, 2019, 2020 and 2021 has been named one of the most influential scientists in the world (“Highly Cited Researcher” by Claryvate Analytics). His "H" index is 132 (Google Scholar).. All these studies are being performed in collaboration with foreign universities such as: Columbia University, Loma Linda University, Harvard School of Public Health, Human Nutrition Research Centre, and Mario Negri Sud, Italy.