Grzegorz Belzecki

The Kielanowski Institute of Animal Physiology and Nutrition, Poland

Grzegorz Belzecki, employed as a associte professor at the Department of Animal Nutrition, The Kielanowski Institute of Animal Physiology and Nutrition, Polish Academy of Sciences. He conductsresearch in the areas of adaptation of animalfeedingsystems to changingclimaticconditions, food productionincludingfunctionalfoods and the circulareconomy. Reviewer and member of editorialboards in internationaljournals. Author of numerouspublications and scientificreports, co-organiser and member of scientificcommittees of internationalconferences. Co-convener of internationalprojects, leader of nationalprojects. Activist for sustainableagriculture. Advisor on food security to public and privateorganisations.